Statement of Belief
Dusk to Dawn is an interfaith entheogenic 501(c)(3) church and non-profit organization focused on the spiritual use of entheogen plants and psychedelic mushrooms. We believe that mushrooms are profoundly powerful tools for healing, transformation, connection, acceptance, and growth.
Psychedelic mushrooms have been used in religious and spiritual contexts for thousands of years. Some would argue that we wouldn’t have come this far in human evolution without them. Our goal is to embrace the wisdom of these sacred teachers and to share this incredible spiritual tool with the utmost reverence.
Spiritual Connection: We believe that plant and natural medicines are not merely physical remedies but sacred spiritual sacraments, allowing individuals to connect more deeply with their higher self and the universe as a whole.. We Believe:
Divine Gift: We believe that the Earth’s plant (cannabis) and natural (mushroom) medicine is a generous gift from the Creator. Among these botanical gifts, certain plants (cannabis) and mushrooms (psilocybin) have been endowed with the unique ability to facilitate emotional, physical and spiritual healing. It is the Creator’s intention for us to recognize, respect, and utilize these Plant and natural medicines to flourish and evolve.
Universal Access: Everyone, irrespective of their background, creed, or status, should have the opportunity and safe access to experience and benefit from these sacred plants and natural medicines. The profound connection that these medicines provide should not be limited and available to all who seek it.
Plant Evolutionary Connection: We believe that humanity shares an intricate bond with plants and mushrooms. Our evolutionary journey has been deeply intertwined with the flora of our planet. This shared evolutionary path signifies the importance and relevance of plants and mushrooms in our lives, not just as sources of sustenance but as gateways to understanding our very essence.
Respect and Sustainability: As we utilize these sacred plants and mushrooms, it is our duty to approach them with the utmost respect. It is essential to ensure their sustainability for future generations, recognizing that our relationship with these entheogens is symbiotic.
Guided Exploration: We advocate for the responsible and informed use of plant and natural medicines as sacrament. While they have immense power to heal and enlighten, they should be approached with caution, reverence, and, where possible, under the guidance of experienced practitioners.
Personal Freedom: While we encourage individuals to explore the profound effects of these entheogens, we also respect personal boundaries and beliefs. Every person’s spiritual journey is unique, and while sacred plants and mushrooms may be a path for many, they may not be the path for all.
Community and Support: Dusk to Dawn Fellowship is committed to fostering a community where members can share their experiences, learn from one another, and support each other in their spiritual journeys. We believe in the power of collective wisdom and the strength that comes from unity.
*Individuals can commune directly with the Creator and receive personal guidance. With that, there is not a need for clergy to stand between a worshiper and the Creator to interpret or explain. Members enjoy autonomy to worship and commune as they see fit. This means that each individual can have unmitigated communion with their Creator.
By affirming these beliefs, we hope to cultivate a space of understanding, growth, and spiritual enlightenment, anchored by the gifts Mother Nature has so graciously provided.